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News: Sustain.Life partners with Wipfli LLP to offer ESG and carbon accounting services

April 25, 2023

Wipfli clients now have access to resources to help meet their emissions reduction goals.

Sustain.Life announced today that it has teamed up with Wipfli LLP to offer effective software solutions for its clients to measure, manage, and report future sustainability initiatives. Through this partnership, Wipfli clients may now access a wide range of essential carbon accounting, ESG (environmental, social, and governance) management and reduction services, along with resources to help forge a path to meet their emissions reduction goals.    

“Sustain.Life is thrilled to align with Wipfli, an advocate for ESG in the comprehensive risk analysis of business and industry,” said Oran Bambrick, senior director of partnerships at Sustain.Life. “With the regulatory landscape evolving and taking shape, the right platforms and tools must be in place to enable an organization's success, and we believe that can be done through a combination of our cutting-edge software and Wipfli's expert services.”
“ESG is essential to future-proofing business and, with our Sustain.Life partnership, Wipfli clients will have the ability to proactively consider and measure their sustainability efforts,” said Robert Cedergren, partner at Wipfli and leader of Wipfli’s risk advisory practice. “With the SEC’s proposed climate disclosure expected to be finalized this month, it’s imperative that companies be authentic and transparent about how they implement ESG. Wipfli is excited to have the tools to help them achieve this credibility. We’ve found Sustain.Life’s tools and talent to be among the best in class to meet our client's current and future needs.”

Cedergren said a strong ESG program could be an indicator that a company is managing its risks, reducing costs, and proactively evolving to stay ahead of market demands, noting that investment in ESG is an investment in a company’s long-term health and resiliency.

While the financial benefits might be clear, the how-to can be daunting. Developing a practical strategy with results is the first step in turning ESG concepts into action.

To learn more about how Wipfli can help, visit Wipfli ESG Services.

About Sustain.Life

Sustain.Life is the SaaS platform—and Certified B Corporation™—that helps future-proof companies by decarbonizing and taking climate action. Launched in 2021, Sustain.Life provides ESG and carbon accounting tools that empower organizations to embrace sustainability, manage and mitigate carbon emissions, reduce costs, and stand out to customers, investors, and other stakeholders.

About Wipfli

With more than 70,000 clients and approximately 3,100 associates, Wipfli ranks among the largest accounting and advisory firms in the nation. We bring integrated solutions to help our clients turn data into insights, optimize workflows, increase margins and transform through digital innovation.

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At Sustain.Life, our goal is to provide the most up-to-date, objective, and research-based information to help readers make informed decisions. Written by practitioners and experts, articles are grounded in research and experience-based practices. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by our team of sustainability professionals to ensure content is accurate and aligns with current industry standards. Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.
Kate Holman
Kate Holman is the communications manager at Sustain.Life. For press inquires, contact:
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The takeaway

With this partnership, Wipfli clients can now access essential carbon accounting, ESG (environmental, social and governance) management and reduction services.