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VIDEO: Regulations forge ahead & CSRD updates

February 1, 2024

The Week in Sustainability – January 29–February 2

EU flags in front of a building

In recent sustainability reporting updates, all eyes are on the Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD) issued by the European Union. This directive, evolving from the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), has encountered a two-year delay, prompting organizations worldwide to reassess their reporting strategies.

CSRD unveiled: a significant expansion

For those unacquainted with CSRD, it signifies a substantial expansion of the NFRD, incorporating more companies and imposing extensive reporting requirements. The EU aims to guide investments towards sustainable initiatives, aligning with the EU Green New Deal principles. Initially adopted in November 2022, non-EU companies and those subject to sector-specific reporting now have an extended reporting deadline, moving from 2024 to 2026 for large public and private entities.

Navigating complexity: reporting challenges unveiled

Reflecting on these changes, sustainability experts emphasize the intricate nature of reporting due to the absence of standardized guidelines across sectors. The complexity extends to calculations, data representation, and the challenge of delivering high-quality reporting. The delay, particularly for sector-specific standards, underscores the prevailing uncertainties both public and private entities face. Organizations outside the EU and in specific sectors receive extra time to collect essential data and set up transparent reporting systems.

EU’s commitment to quality implementation

Experts underscore the EU’s unwavering commitment to achieving high-quality implementation of CSRD, ensuring that organizations meet the directive’s stringent standards. The delay, far from a setback, signifies the EU's dedication to discouraging subpar reporting and promoting transparency.

Strategic action in the face of postponement

During this postponement, organizations should strategically use the time– this involves planning sustainability initiatives, comprehending their impact, and building internal capacity, including training and essential systems. Procrastination is not an option; companies should focus on fostering transparency and engaging internal and external stakeholders.

Turning hurdles into opportunities: strengthening sustainability initiatives

While companies might perceive the delay as a hurdle, it allows them to strengthen their sustainability initiatives. Experts advocate for meaningful action, integrating sustainability goals into core business strategies, and continuously improving practices.

Global reflections on sustainability reporting

In a broader context, the CSRD delay prompts reflection on the ongoing discussions surrounding the SEC climate disclosure rule in the United States. Experts acknowledge the evolving nature of carbon accounting and ESG initiatives, urging organizations not to let uncertainties hinder their sustainability efforts.

Adapting to a dynamic landscape

Companies should take this time to reevaluate their sustainability strategies during this delay. Transparency remains paramount, and organizations are encouraged to leverage this time to strategically plan, engage stakeholders, and integrate sustainable practices into their core business strategies. Organizations must adapt and thrive in this dynamic environment as the corporate sustainability landscape continues to evolve.

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1 ESG Dive, "EU lawmakers approve 2-year delay of CSRD reporting for non-EU companies and specific sectors .",EU%20lawmakers%20approve%202%2Dyear%20delay%20of%20CSRD%20reporting%20for,adhering%20to%20sector%20specific%20standards. Accessed January 25, 2024

2. Fintech Global, "EU moves to delay CSRD introduction until 2026 ." Accessed January 29, 2024

Editorial statement
At Sustain.Life, our goal is to provide the most up-to-date, objective, and research-based information to help readers make informed decisions. Written by practitioners and experts, articles are grounded in research and experience-based practices. All information has been fact-checked and reviewed by our team of sustainability professionals to ensure content is accurate and aligns with current industry standards. Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source.
Hannah Asofsky
Hannah Asofsky is a sustainability data analyst at Sustain.Life.
Sustain.Life Team
Sustain.Life’s teams of sustainability practitioners and experts often collaborate on articles, videos, and other content.
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